Christmas Shoebox update
We've just been sent an email from Lisa, who, on behalf of the Mustard Seed appeal, collects childrens' toys and gifts and parcels them up ready to go to kids in orphanages or who are living in poverty in Romania and other Baltic states.
"Hi Becci, here are some photos of the shoeboxes and boxes before they were collected," she says. "Thank you once again for your help, it's very much appreciated. Without you we couldn't have helped so many people!"
Below is a picture of her hallway, just before the parcels were collected. She says she and her mum "did 40 shoeboxes for the Mustard seed, plus 25 bigger boxes for them as well. We also did 40 shoeboxes for the Rotary club, 55 bigger boxes,and 6 family boxes too!"

Congratulations from everyone at GTC to Lisa and her Mum for all their hard work; we were delighted to support you and look forward to doing so again in 2010!
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