"There is no such thing as bad weather," goes the old Scandinavian saying, "just bad clothing," so here are a few hints and tips to keep you warm when you are out and about in the most chilly of conditions.
Many thin layers are more effective than one thick one. Long-johns aren't glamorous but they will keep you warm; if you don't have any then a pair of warm tights is just as effective (there are lots of builders who secretly swear by thick woolly ones in midwinter!).
Eat spicy foods. Chilli, ginger and garlic all stimulate a sweat response and keep the body's circulation working beautifully. Keep a little ziplock bag of crystallised ginger in your pocket to nibble on when you are out on a walk or on the piste to add a little heat. A cup of Indonesian-style ginger tea will not only warm you up, but help fend off colds as well; simply add an inch of smashed ginger root and a teaspoon of honey to a cup of steaming hot black tea.
Mittens are warmer than gloves as the air trapped between your fingers will add extra insulation. Yes, you might look like a four-year old but at least you won't get frostbite... and don't forget a hat either! A huge amount of bodyheat is lost through the top of the head, so wearing a hat in bed as well as in the day will keep you warm.
If possible have a hot shower or bath to warm you up, then apply a thick layer of body oil or lotion to act as an extra insulation layer.
Eat! Have a hot carbohydrate meal that will burn energy slowly and keep drinking hot fluids to keep hydrated and energised. Caffeine speeds up the body's circulation thus making you feel warmer. Avoid alcohol though (shame!), as it causes blood vessels to dilate, thus bring more blood up to the skin's surface where it will just cool quicker.
Hot water bottles aren't just for bedtime. Keep one securely tucked in the front of your clothing and you'll soon feel warmer... if you don't have one, fill a couple of plastic bottles with warm (not boiling) tap water and make sure the lid is securely fastened. Place in the end of your bed ten minutes before you retire for the night and your bed will feel a much more friendly place to be!
If you have cooked a hot meal in the oven, put a couple of bricks in to warm up as well. Wrap them in clean newspaper before putting them at the foot of your bed; not only will they provide heat for hours, they will keep the bed from getting damp in less well heated rooms. You can then leave the oven door open to spread a little more heat around the home or chalet!
Keep toasty warm during the long cold winter nights with a pair of knitted
travel slippers (6.95) or one of GTC's bestselling mini hot water bottles. With a knitted cover and a cute heart design in either red or cream they are the perfect bedtime companion at just £6.99!
If you are able to venture of your house and jump in the car it's always wise to be prepared for getting stuck in the snow or even just a long delay in the cold. Here's a useful list of things to keep in your car as a survival kit, all available on the Girls Travel Club website.
Pop a Lifesystems emergency thermal blanket in the boot of your car. For only £2.99 this blanket will reflect over 80% of radiated body heat and keep you nice and warm in any weather.
Sometimes, a nice cup of tea is the best solution to an emergency. With a
car kettle (18.99) you can rest assured that you can make a lovely warm drink wherever you are. It comes with two cups so just pop a few teabags in the glove box and you're ready to go!
handwarmer is the perfect remedy after a morning of making snowmen! An adorable miniature version of GTC's classic Heart Warmer Hottie, the tiny knitted roll-neck cover contains a re-usable hot pack. Just snap the disc to activate; it will keep hands warm and cosy for hours for only £4.99.
Batteries not included! Our
Design Go wind up torch (9.99) means that you can wind it up and have light anytime. It's very compact and has 3 LED functions and a cord so you can wear it round your wrist.
A GTC tried and tested tip for staying warm is to wear many layers of thin clothing rather than just a thick sweater.
Tilley's Women's Coolmax Extreme Travel Tank Top (£15.75, available in black & white), will fit snugly under your winter warms and keep you nice and toasty.